

1. New features

★【New relic added: relic - Frozen Holy Phoenix】


--[New relic] Relic - Frozen Holy Phoenix newly added!

--[Relic skill] 20% of the attacks will slow the opponent's move speed by 80%, and dealing 80% of the attacks for 4 second, 90second Cooldown time.

--[The strongest of all] Frozen Holy Phoenix owns higher maximum attributes now in compare with the current relics

--[Way of obtain] Acitivable by Participate the [Items spending rank] and collect The activation rock

★【Clan system】


--[Unlock level] Unlock on level 40

--[Terms of creation]

1."Daily"--Clan interface can be opened under the "Multiplayer"

2. 2-5 people is needed to create a clan

2. Intimacy level need to be reached to level 3 with any of the members

3. Couple can not be in the same clan

4. All of the member is needed to be around NPC pera upon creation of the clan

--[System gameplay]

1. Every clan has its own level and contribution level, the higher the level, the better the reward

2. Clan's level will increase determined by the clan member's contribution points

3. Method of contribute: Personal contribution can be obtained by teaming up with clan members

                         Increasing the intimacy level between clan member will also increase personal contribution (Sending flowers/Pastry feast/Link-up/Secret garden)

                         Massive clan contribution and personal contribution points will also be gained by participating the clan dungeon

★【Clan dungeon】

--[Unlock level] Unlock level 40


1. Only players with a clan can join the clan dungeon

2. The clan dungeon will be opened weekly, all the clan members will be required to participate along

3. Massive amount of clan EXP and personal contribution will be gained by participation clan dungeon.

4. Reset time for the Clan dungeon will be 06:00 in the morning, every Monday.

2. System optimization

★【Baby CP】 

--[Value adjustments] Baby's basic CP has been massively increased, feed your baby will milk now!


--[Operating event icon display]

1. First recharge,Monthly card, Supreme card,Investment's icon in the main interface

2.Special events and brilliant event interface display, the operator's event is more clear


--[Content of optimization] A red circle notification will be shown on the "usable" tag if there is items under the tag

★【Multi mount】 

--[Cancel restriction]

1. Cancelled the restriction against multi-mount not able to enter Team dungeon, Secret garden and the Elf dungeon;

2. Cancelled the restriction against multi-mount not able to participate the escort

3. Cancelled the restriction against multi-mount not able to participate the excorcism

4. Cancelled the restriction against multi-mount not able to participate the pastry feast

5. Cancelled the restriction against multi-mount not able to leap

--[Method of riding] The request to ride button will be on top of the chatbox, click it to request to join on riding the mount

--[Auto accept request/Invitation function]

1.Added a function to let the player to accept all of the mount request automatically for particular logins

2.Added a function to let the player to accept all of the mount invitation automatically for particular logins

3.Added a function to let the player to not accept all of the ride mount request automatically for particular logins

★【Offline retrieve】

--[Retrieve added] Cross server royal's honor, and C-S dungeon's EXP retrieve is now newly added.

★【Treasure snatch】

--[Opponent matching optimization] 3 similar CP opponent will be matched according to player's level.

★【Royal war】

--[Matching optimization] Similar strength opponents will be match according to player's personal level.

★【Main interface】

--[Content of optimization] Optimized main interface's upper right icon composition, solving the issue of the icons going out of frame!

★【To Be stronger】 

--[Unlock level] Level 40

--[Function description]

1. Players can choose the most recommended improving system through the newly added To Be Stronger system.

2. Players can now monitorize every aspect of the player's system's CP through the new To Be Stronger function

3. Bonus bounded diamonds will be given if the player reach the recommended CP for each of the aspect.